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Are you and your team relying on your web browser to store your passwords?  If so, you might want to reconsider.

In 2020, a new, particularly nasty malware, Redline Stealer, started making its rounds on the internet. It can be purchased on the darkweb for as little as $150.  There is also a pro edition for $200 and $100 per month subscription service available.  [Yes, the lazy bad guys don’t even have to do the work. They can fork over a few hundred bucks to steal your data. Welcome to the world of MaaS–Malware as a service.]

Redline Stealer is classified as an “infostealer” because its primary purpose is to steal data, particularly passwords and credit card data that are stored in your web browser. In other words, once infected with this malware, the cybercriminal will have access to any web site that you have credentials saved in your browser.

Recently, a new, modified version of Redline Stealer has been making the rounds. Called META (not to be confused with the company formerly known as Facebook), it also prevents Windows Defender, the anti-virus program built-into Windows, from scanning executable files, quite literally rendering Windows Defender useless.

This is why I so strongly recommend securing ALL of your online accounts with Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA). If you are not using MFA, then once they get your credentials, it’s game over.

And this is also why I recommend the use of a password manager, like BitWarden, LastPass, Roboform, or Keeper, to generate and store your passwords.

Obviously, the best protection is to not get infected in the first place–having strong, layered defenses, with antivirus protection that can’t be so easily compromised–but having your passwords stored securely and protected with MFA is the best way to ultimately keep the hackers out of your accounts no matter how they obtain your credentials.

Let us know if you’re ready to discuss how we can help you secure your network and credentials.