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MFA is no longer optional!

Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA) means you need at least two pieces of information to log in to a device or an app. Perhaps a password plus a fingerprint, and possibly an extra, single-use code sent to your phone. Cyber criminals use increasingly sophisticated...

Bot malware is a growing security threat

If we talk about ‘bots’ you’d be forgiven for thinking of the amazing AI chatbots that have been all over the news lately. But this isn’t a good news story. Bots are just automated programs, and bot malware is a worrying new security risk you need to defend your...

Did you forget about your phones?

We use our phones for just about everything these days — viewing websites, communicating with friends and family, taking and saving photos, making financial transactions — and of course work-related tasks — reading and sending emails, opening...

Is your security focusing on the right things?

To protect your home from an intruder you make sure your doors and windows are all locked and secured. You might go further: build a fence around the perimeter, perhaps even get an angry-looking dog to stand guard. But there’s no point going to all that effort if...