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Stop! And think, before you act on that email

How many times a day do you respond to an email without really thinking about its contents? Maybe it’s a request for some information. Perhaps it’s asking you to pay an invoice. All mundane stuff. But no sooner than you’ve hit send, you’ve fallen victim to...

Back up your data

One day it could save your business Backing up your data is one of the strongest precautions you can take. Set it up properly and make it part of your routine to check that it’s working. Because one day your backup could literally save your business. What should you...

“Wouldn’t it be great if…”

How to start planning a big IT project A major change to your IT infrastructure isn’t something to be planned in a hurry. So if you’re starting to think about ending it with your current systems and bringing your business into the 2020s, there’s plenty to think about...