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How long would it take to crack your password?
The longer and more complex your password, the harder it will be for cyber-criminals to crack it through brute force (using automated tools to try thousands of variations of passwords, until it finds the right one).
Check your password now. Enter it above and you’ll see how long it would take criminals to crack it. The longer, the better.
Think your business is secure from human error? Ready to put it to the test?
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The Colonial gas pipeline hack in 2021 caused problems for many up and down the east coast. In the shadow of Colonial restoring their data and getting the pipeline flowing again, Lou Facciponti of Lighthouse Insurance Services and our own founder, James Golden, sat down to discuss the challenges small businesses face when securing their networks compared to large enterprises, the myths of who is a target, and why small businesses need layers of protection, including cyber-insurance.
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WINDOWS 11 – Switch over to a clutter-free desktop
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